Are you not in love with that cinnamon spice kit?
And I love this glitter alpha. Sometimes I'm amazed by what these designers come up with!
You can enter to win the Trish H. Designs giveaway four different ways:
For your first entry, leave a comment with your name.
Example: Mary Green
For your second entry, visit Trish's shop here and check out all of her gorgeous designs. Then, come back to DSG and leave a comment with your name, your favorite Trish H. product, and what you love about it.
Example: Mary Green: The Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows frame set is adorable!
For your third entry, spread the word however you'd like! Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, E-mails, Smoke Signals. Your pick!
Example: Mary Green: Spreading the Word!
For your fourth entry, describe yourself in one word that is a noun. & then why that noun makes sense. :)
Example: Mary Green: balloon. i feel sometimes like i'm stretched a million different directions but they're all happy, fun colored directions, so I can't really complain!
Good Luck!
The winner will be announced on Friday, January 15th.